An easy way to remove the stretch mark!

An easy way to remove the stretch mark!

Stretch marks or rashes on the body during pregnancy due to hormone problems or sudden obesity. Stretch marks usually appear on the waist, neck, abdomen, hands or feet. Most of the girls suffer from these scars.
Various types of creams, lotions and gels are available in the market to remove these scars. You can use them if you like or use some homemade ingredients. Which will remove this black spot without any side effects. So know what those ingredients are.

• Aloevara gel: Both aloevara gel and leaves are available in the market. You can buy Alovera Gel directly if you want. Or you can buy a leaf and take out its inner gel and apply it on the stain.

• Olive Oil: Olive oil is not compared to remove blemishes. This stain can be removed in a short time without any hassle. Every night before bedtime, put olive oil on the bed and wash and bathe in the morning. It will keep the skin smooth. You will notice that after some time the stain has started to lighten.

Potatoes: Potatoes contain calcium, protein and iron that brighten the skin. Potatoes can naturally bleach. So take a potato and massage it into 2 pieces on top of the crack. Wait for 5 minutes and wash if its juice is good.

Eggs: The white part of the egg naturally removes the stain. Place the egg white on the stain and allow it to dry. When dry, rinse with water. In this way, the stain will be removed only after several days.

• Lemon: Lemon juice contains natural acids that help to remove scars. Squeeze the juice from a lemon and wait for 5 minutes. Then rinse the rinse with hot water. You can also mix potato juice or cucumber juice or tomato juice with lemon juice if desired.

• Scrubs: Mix lemon juice, sugar and olive oil and scrub for 5 minutes daily. This scrub will clear the dirt of the skin.

Drink 3 to 5 glasses of water daily. Also try to keep foods rich in Vitamin C, Zinc, Zinc in the diet list. Eat various fruits such as strawberries, carrots, vegetables, green beans, nuts.

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